
Events & Community Engagement

A little service, a whole lot of fun!

These furry mutts were abandoned and helpless.  Serving our most vulnerable brings me a sense of purpose and fulfillment as a servant leader.

 In Honor of our brave heroes

September 11, 2001, marks a day many in my generation recall most vividly as the most horrific experience in our lives here at home in the United States.  I recall as many of you do to  being disoriented, scared and angry as the towers collapsed.  Today is a day that should unite us all whether blue, red, black or white, whether Democrat or Republican as a day of national mourning for the nearly 3,000 Americans who died in an act of willful terror.

It is my hope that as we remember the senseless loss, we can also appreciate that our system of government that upholds liberty and justice for all is truly the most coveted in the world.  Let us remember the heroic actions of our fellow Americans and aspire to be true American heroes in defending justice and liberty for all.  Let us remember that united we stand and divided we fall.  Let us remember that truth and justice go hand in hand always.

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